BlackHalt writeln (by me or from manual) PHP source Codes ...
PHP Fake webcam
<?php error_reporting(0);
# PHP Fake webcam =D
# Vajag 60 shitaada fotmaata bildes: no tmp00.jpg liidz tmp59.jpg
# tmpxx.jpg 60 bildes tik cik minutee sekumdes
# katru sekundi tiek paraadiita bilde un pie refresh
# paraadam kaadu no naakoshajaam bildeem, nevis random ;)
# Need 60 images named tmp00.jpg - tmp59.jpg
$r=date('r');// RFC 2822 formatted date
$s=date('s');// Seconds, with leading zeros
# My image size 425 x 319 px
# or use getimagesize Index 0 and Index 1
$text='BlackHalt private apartments';
# imagestring(resource image,int font,int x,int y,text string,int color)
imagestring($im,2,19,$h-14,''.$text.' [ '.$r.' ]',$txt);
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');