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Diggot! Saveidojis BlackHalt šādā datumā: [ Svētdiena, 2005. gada 14. augusts , 22:35:31 ]
# Pastāvīgā saite (Permalink):
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Tādam vienam svaigam Windovzam šādas programmas varētu būt gana labas, i nevejag visādus M$ofisus.

mozilla | Mozilla - Home of the Firefox web browser and Thunderbird e-mail client
bitdefender | BitDefender - AntiVirus - AntiSpam - Firewall Software, Data Security, Free Protection, Scan Online, Email Protection
7-zip | 7-Zip
lavalys | Lavalys - Comprehensive IT Security and Management
tc | Total Commander - home
daemon | DAEMON Tools Homepage :: Download
ccleaner | CCleaner - Crap Cleaner free software download - Spyware FREE
tuneup | TuneUp Software International - Home Page
aso | Advanced System Optimizer Software
notepad2 | flo's freeware - Notepad2
notepad++ | .:: NOTEPAD++ ::.
nvu | Nvu - The Complete Web Authoring System for Linux, Macintosh and Windows
oo | Home
bradsoft | Bradbury Software - Creators of TopStyle and FeedDemon
irfanview | IrfanView - one of the most popular viewers worldwide
gimp | GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
winamp | WINAMP.COM | Player
vlc | VLC media player - Overview
xchat | X-Chat 2 for Windows

gpg | The GNU Privacy Guard -
wpt | Windows Privacy Tray
privoxy | Privoxy - Home Page
tor | Tor: An anonymous Internet communication system
aps | Advanced Port Scanner 1.2 - Free Download. Advanced Port Scanner is a fast and easy-to-use multithreaded port scanner.

emule | - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News...
bittorrent | The Official BitTorrent Home Page
abc | ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client]
dc++ | DC++ your files, your ways, no limits

php | PHP: Downloads
mysql | MySQL Downloads
apache | Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project

deadlink | AM-DeadLink - Download FavIcons and detect dead Browser Bookmarks

8 Komentāri

1. monZy  @  [ Svētdiena, 2005. gada 14. augusts , 22:44:09 ]
Kur palika OO ? ;] OpenOffice ir labs
2. monZy  @  [ Svētdiena, 2005. gada 14. augusts , 22:44:32 ]
ui sorii atradu ka ir :D
3. es   [ Svētdiena, 2005. gada 14. augusts , 23:11:48 ]
+ East-Tec FormatSecure 2005 (
+ phpdev (
4. Gardas Meitene   [ Pirmdiena, 2005. gada 15. augusts , 09:34:46 ]
A priekš kam tev sql? Tev taču ir TXT :)
5. Mix de Rax  @  [ Pirmdiena, 2005. gada 15. augusts , 10:56:39 ]
6. gy   [ Pirmdiena, 2005. gada 15. augusts , 14:45:57 ]
skatos ka esi par windowsistu atkal palicis
7. mors  www  [ Otrdiena, 2005. gada 16. augusts , 14:33:47 ]
jauks saraksts, tik truukst opera :P
8. Raikons  @ www  [ Pirmdiena, 2005. gada 22. augusts , 11:42:01 ]
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